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Tekxit 3 server updated to version 1.2
Topic Locked
Zilacon APOC Owner
23 posts
23 topics
11 months ago

Our Tekxit 3 server has been updated to the latest 1.2 version.
Please update your clients before rejoining our server at TKX3.APOCGAMING.ORG

Change Log: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/tekxit-3-official-1122.1253751/changelog/2236491

Mods Updated:

  • None

Mods Added:

  • Config Anywhere
  • Censored ASM
  • Sledgehammer
  • Mixin Booter
  • Tree Chop
  • Vintage Fix
  • Universal Tweaks

Mods Removed:

  • Bspkrs Core
  • Ding
  • Help Fixer
  • Foam Fix
  • Attribute Fix
  • Vanilla Fix
  • Memory Tester
  • Treecapitator

Last edited: 3 months ago